
The Calgary Regional Partnership wants to give Calgary a veto over all planning for development for the next 60-70 years in rural communities surrounding the city (there are 17 municipalities considering signing on to the agreement).This means that Okotoks and MD of Foothills residents would be giving away democratic accountability to the City of Calgary–where they have no ability to vote!! In Okotoks, the mayor and council (all of whom were acclaimed in the last election, I might add) will be asked for their decision in June. If they sign on to the agreement on our behalf, they will be signing away our democratic rights. Just say NO to a Calgary VETO!




Please note: Our online petition has been removed due to technical issues. All names and comments will be added to our paper petition. If you’d like to add your name to the petition, send me an email at jmacpherson@mac.com with the following information:



Postal Code

Any comments you’d like to make

Whether you live in the Town of Okotoks or the MD of Foothills.


Thank you!


People have been emailing me their comments and here is a complete list of the comments. I have not included names to protect the privacy of those individuals on the web but all have included their names in their correspondence with me. There are now about 800 people who have signed the petition (updated May 8, 2009)


-The CRP plan helps put both self-authority for the Town of Okotoks and the Bow River water supply at further risk.

-To sign this agreement would be a grave mistake. It would be contrary to all that Okotoks prides itself on and definitely not  a move toward a sustainable future.

-I am not in favour of the calgary Regional partnership whether it includes a Calgary veto or not.  I like the smaller communities and the voice they have in our lifestyle decisions. If you want the city and what it has to offer then you know where to go to find it.

-One of the best things this town has ever done is to strive for sustainablility, lets not blow it now.

-I live in Okotoks NOT Calgary and would prefer my kids have that choice as well!

-The Calgary Regional Partnership plan has been ill-conceived as it is has not been based on sustainability, nor has it accounted for diminishing resources.

-This CPR plan is ill-conceived.

-Any major city should not have the power to decide what is right/wrong for the outlying communities.

-Keep Okotoks Sustainable

-I want my voice heard!  We need to decide our future by being able have our concerns addressed and heard.

-Okotoks is NOT part of Calgary & NEVER should be. We want no part of Bronco and his council.

Show some leadership and backbone. Say “”NO””. Quit flipflopping and stick to your guns on the population cap.

-Let the rural communities speak for themselves!

-I too have been reading, and getting more concerned about the water issues, and for sure, letting Calgary have a say in how things get done HERE! NONONONO!

-As an Okotoks resident I want to retain the right through my voting power to decide the nature of future development in Okotoks and the surrounding region.

-The citizens of Okotoks should decide the fate of Okotoks as we know it.  If I wanted to be connected with Calgary I would have moved there.  I see more negative results from a Calgary Veto than positive, including more environmental impacts. I am proud of the fact that Okotoks has been somewhat of an environmental ambassador, living within our means when it comes to the Sheep River and so on.  However,  it seems obvious to me where this Calgary Veto road is going to take us and it makes me very uneasy.  I am saying NO to the Calgary Veto.

-We think this possibility is unacceptable.

-I believe the current Mayor is a bad choice for our town and his ideas are not part of what a small town should be.

-How do you eat an elephant…and in this case the RMs being the elephant…Answer –  1 bite at a time. In 60-70 years I believe that Calgary could finish off the RMs quite easily. This is the first I’ve heard of this and the further away we keep our local politics and decisions from Calgary the better. I don’t hear much from our mayor and that’s just fine with  me. If  I have a question of him I call and ask him directly. Can you imagine have a Dave Bronconnier to deal with. As you can see I probably don’t have my facts straight but basically I’m saying that eventually Calgary will own and run it all if we go ahead with this.


-The Town of Okotoks should never sign on to the Calgary Regional Partnership for the following reasons:

1. Okotoks and all other municipalities surrounding Calgary will loose their identity & voice

2. It will give Calgary an authority to make important decisions, also in regards to our community

3. Combined with Bill 19, it will Calgary almost unlimited power over areas that they consider being future expansion options for Calgary

4. People living in rural areas outside of Calgary will se their properties decrease in valu substantially

5. In Okotoks we all talk about sustainability. Mayor McAlpine and his Council are already planning on giving away our population cap, do not let them give away our independence


“Okotoks is capable of running their own business, we do not need Calgary to do that. And if this means that we need another Mayor and Council, then lets go for it.”

-I hope this petition works as we would move out of Okotoks if that is the case.

-Thank you so much for putting this all together for those of us who are definitely against this.

I would like to register my vote as a NO.  My biggest concerns are water and transportation.

I look forward to future open houses where our voices can be heard.  It is so important to cap Okotoks and stick to the original plan.

-I hope this petition works as we would move out of Okotoks if that is the case.

-I have a hard time imagining that Calgary will do what is best for Okotoks if the town needs Calgary to respond (i.e. access to water).  Okotokians should be deciding what is best for us and what our needs are.  I have concerns about how Okotoks would be able to sustain a population of 30,000+ residents if our resources suggest we cap the population at that level.  I am unclear what benefits the Calgary Regional Partnership would/can/will provide to Okotoks.

-It’s past time for a new Mayor and Council, as the current, acclaimed one

has run rampant with ‘executive’ decisions, ignoring the (‘wee’) public’s

views on the CRP (& many other issues as well). It’s time for the status

quo, ‘old boy’ network to crumble. Water availability/quality, the gravest &

most vital of concerns in the world now, and severely affected by this

‘agreement,’ has been studiously ignored & falsified. Big Brother has just

moved into southern AB, along with all his relatives, yet one could smell

them coming since Mayor MacAlpine has been paving the way for this for a

long time already. I knew our Mayor and Council would cave on both this and

the pop. cap – no real integrity or true strength there. We’re now “on the

map” alright, just as they’d wished — Calgary’s all-engulfing map. Say

“goodbye” to quality of life and “hello” to another microcosm of the global

disaster zone.

-Opposed to removal of control over our own fates by virtue of Calgary driving the agenda for our rural community.

Even more disturbing is the ‘double-speak’ that is being disseminated with respect to the ‘BLUE BLOB’ land freeze. IT all appears very innocuous until you put the various parts of the CRP document together which de-facto freezes our lands and takes away our ability to continue to build the connection to our community that occurs when folks allow the opportunity for family to continue to live in the area. Not only that, but the future housing density requirements are being discussed at 8-10 units per acre. That is ALMOST DOUBLE what is now on a standard city lot.

WE chose to live in a rural area, with all the advantages and disadvantages that go with that, but primarily because we would be part of a rural/small community lifestyle. Not everyone wants to live in the country, and by the same token not everyone wants to live in the city!

The planners keep bringing up the over 1.6 million people that will be moving to the Calgary area. I assume, but as of yet not one clarification has been stated about this fact, I assume that this projection was based upon the UNPRECEDENTED growth the city has seen in the last 3 or 4 years, which given the current state of the economy, would not be valid.

-NONONONO  Stay a small town, thats why my family and I moved here ! Any planning and growth should be up to the people who live and pay taxes here .

I live in the town of Okotoks.

-I’m an Okotoks resident who moved here from Calgary partially to get away from Dave Bronconnier and his incompetent and dishonest government I have no interest in letting the city of Calgary decide our future.

-We need a say in this matter. I do not support joining the ranks of Calgary hub bub.  We moved to Okotoks to get away from that racket the decisions that were being made despite us being against it. Whether you live in the Town of Okotoks or the MD of Foothills.

-We left Calgary with good reason to live out in De Winton with our family and could not see any valid reason for involving Calgary in any of the decisions made in the Foothills or Okotoks.  Dave Bronconnier and his corrupt council members will not make the best choices for Okotoks or the Foothills they just see it as a way to get their greedy hands on more money in the future.  The talk about transportation and water  – itis all blackmail orientated – REMEMBER  Calgary gives nothing for FREE, there is always a price to pay!  We say NO – we like the independence we have from the bigger city – Calgary.

-If the councillors on Okotoks or The MD of Foothills wish to give up their responsibilities to the City of Calgary then they should resign their posts, pack up and move to the City of Calgary. The CRP is fundamentally flawed in the very basic assumption that we in the MD of Foothills want to live like the people in the city of Calgary.  Me and my wife specifically moved from the City of Calgary to find a better place to raise our children in a rural atmosphere, if the city wants to come in and take that away then we will fight that.



-We moved here about 5 yrs ago and the biggest draw was sustainable okotoks and the cap, I feel like it was false advertising, shouldn’t there be a law against that?

-We live inside town. We’d like to sign the petition against the Calgary veto. Emphatically, NO!

Thank you and all the people around you who have put this petition in place.

-We moved here because of the sustainable program and the green policies of Okotoks and will be saddened if these are abandoned in favour of joining Calgary in this  poorly planned growth.

-As a resident in the ‘blue blob’ area I am absolutely against the CRP as it stands. It basically sets up MD land for future Calgary development without going through the annexation process, leaving residents in these areas without a voice. We are part of the MD but will have to follow City of Calgary rules for development and land use. Our MD will not be in control of development within its boundaries. The time frame for approval of the CRP is only a few months away, yet the plan is just being presented to the public now leaving very little time for discussion with affected landowners. Let us know if we can help with any coordinated efforts to ensure our voices are heard!

-I am saying NO to the Calgary Veto. I have lived in Okotoks for the past 15 years and enjoy the style of living that Okotoks has to offer to both myself and future family.

-My comments would be the loss of the democratic ideals that surround a land grab by the city of Calgary in what is termed a “partnership” which implies equity and fairness with regard to land use. People are living on family farms and acreages that are in the 4th and 5th generation. We contribute to our rural community, make our homes and businesses here and want to plan for the future for our families. The City of Calgary will not be considering a case by case on any of their decisions regarding planning and want to make broad and sweeping restrictions on the use of private property for the not too distant future. Thank you for all your hard work to keep this very volatile issue before the silent public. We are members of the Priddis Millarville Residents Association and live west of Priddis on a family owned farm, in the family since 1958.

-We moved to Okotoks from Toronto a year and a half ago. Many benefits attracted us to Okotoks:

1.     It’s not Calgary

2.     The population cap

3.     The sustainability program

4.     The small town environment

5.     Did I mention that IT’S NOT CALGARY??

I vote NO to CRP!!

-What happened to our rights, the mayor and council is obligated to the citizens of Okotoks

To hear what we have to say

-The city is on  a power trip and we have to stop it.

-NO! NO! NO! to a Calgary Veto. Calgary says it has the water, well we have the land.  Can Calgary prove beyond a reasonable doubt that they have the water to sustain the anticipated growth for the entire area?  Is it necessary for Calgary and area to grow so fast? The 17 CRP members should be working together in the interest of all residents of the Cities, Towns, MD’s, and Calgary should not be trying to place their wishes ahead of all the other communities.   Sixteen of the 17 CRP members can agree to something but Calgary can be the only one to say no and they win.  This is wrong. We support our council in their fight to keep control of the MD of Foothills.  They are elected members who are looking after the best interested of the MD residents.  The CRP is neither elected by or accountable to MD residents. The CRP have an unrestricted mandate to later amend the draft plan.  It could be amended in ways which may significantly and adversely affect MD residents against their wishes and those of Council.  This is wrong. Each municipality must remain responsible for the ecological land use decisions such as water setbacks, wildlife corridors, etc. in its own jurisdiction, in accord with provincial legislation and being responsive to MD residents.  What do Calgary city dwellers understand about rural life?  We moved to the MD to get away from the city and the city ideas. Before the Calgary 60 year growth areas in the MD Foothills are finalized, affected MD residents must have the opportunity to be fully advised, to understand the impact and to provide their input.  What exactly are the areas in the Blue Blobs?  Would  MD residents be advised of the intend to freeze their land and exactly what that would mean?  Would they have any say in this? Amendments must have a unanimous vote if the CRP wishes to take over any land use authority from a municipality. We are supportive of much of the CRP Draft Plan and its policies.  However, we have 3 serious concerns with the Draft Plan as stated above.

-I live on a ranch in the MD of Foothills – this is my private property.  Planning decisions (either in the MD or CRP) should not override my decisions on my private property.  I have seen what happens when development is allowed on one site but not on one adjacent (one farmer retires with some cash in his hand, the next has his retirement plan frozen).  I noted one interesting note in the CRP – conservation of wetlands throughout the region – well guess what – Calgary fills in wetlands (east of the city) to the depth of 15 feet and where will they recover those wetlands – I see them coming to my ranch!  I see them extolling all these people coming and planning for them in density blobs and industrial blobs etc – where are they getting their water?  We have not completed the groundwater assessment in southern AB – so whose water is up for grabs?  I heard my first presentation over a year ago and the presenter said “there will be winners and losers” – he was right!  Calgary and its plans will the winner – the rural communities and MD landowners will be the losers.  It is known that the rancher and the farmers are great stewards of the land – the Landuse Framework recognizes this – in fact there is some recognition that there is ecological goods and services provided to the public (think tourism etc who see those rolling hills and valleys – who do you think manages them)?  I see no recognition in the CRP – just blob and freeze and plan to the benefit of …..?  I am not necessarily against development or development in an orderly fashion.  However, the big push to sign onto an agreement that holds for 50-60 years is ludicious – especially when I see no mechanism for amendment once signed.  I am deeply concerned – a bunch of planners have drawn pretty pictures without recognizing the people and lands affected.  Perhaps there needs to be a clause covering the whole thing:  If you want to tell me what do with my land, then you pay me full market value on the day you deem that it to be good for ecological or environmental reasons (ie escarpment or wetlands), or it is in an area of possible development as a blob, or you want to hold for possible utility corridor, or, or ,or.  Then there would be some justice for the landowner.  I am sorry for being so skeptical but I have seen landowners who have farmed for many generations who finally want to dispose of their land so they can enjoy the fruits of their labors – then it is frozen or deemed sensitive etc.  Suddenly cannot sell, cannot develop, cannot mortgage.  Ask me why they cry?

-Calgary can have an opinion but has no business having a voice in the future of her surrounding rural communities. They should decide their own futures and directions.

-please add my name to your petition, even though i live in Rocky MD,  i don ‘t know if it counts, i am sick of clowns running the city like its a circus.

-We as residents have made it crystal clear to our elected (or not) officials that we want a substantial say in the future development of rural lands.  We must step our actions up to the next levels and confront the Alberta government on any favourable legal grounds that protect us taxpayers.  Maybe its time to stop paying our property taxes due to “non-performance” by our respective councils.

-It is just our nature – no to Soviet block, no to European Union, no to CRP, simply no to loss of independence. Norway respected 52% vote of its population to reject the membership in the EU and to be told by other countries (France, Germany) what was actually good for them. Okotoks should respect the opinion of its residents as well and retain its independence. We will do just fine on our own.

-I’m a resident of High River, and like many of the comments, I too CHOSE to live in a small town by moving out of the city – for a reason. I would hate to see Calgary have VETO over Okotoks and its people, because then they would all start to look elsewhere to live and have that “small town” feel and voice. Where would they go? High River of course and then I lose what I have come here for too…

-We don’t want Okotoks to get any bigger!! It’s going to lose so much more than anyone even knows. We cannot sustain our water system as it is and it will only get worse.

-Thank you for taking the time and effort to stand up against the ridiculous idea that Calgary should be able to veto what our MD’s decide. I hereby ask that my name be added to the petition to stop this from happening!!!

-We live in MD of Rockyview, but agree with the petition to not allow Calgary to have power over local “Non Calgary decisions” even though they may be impacted. I liken it to owing a company and have another company come over and say they want to have a say in our board decisions because what you do might affect our company. So what…… Calgary needs to get over it and I think the MD’s around the city need to tell City of Calgary to go to you know where and make do with what they have. Just like most other big cities. If you want to look at the future, look at cities all around the world that are 1-2-3 million people and how they interact with the neighbouring counties and so on. If they want to get along and play nice, then maybe we could get some stuff done, but they are acting like bully’s and that just does not cut it.

-I just appreciate the time and effort you and others have taken to explain this process. We live on an acreage and having live in San Jose CA, which experienced the major growth/housing issues of Calgary almost 10 years ago, we move here to avoid those issues. I often wonder if it’s fair that we get to live on a nice acreage and yet both still end up commuting to the city because there is no work in Okotoks other than service or medical…I yearn for the day that I don’t ever have to drive there again, but the reality is that Okotoks is a bedroom community for Calgary and is very comparable to northern California where people commute for hours to get to their work. I don’t like this proposal because of the governance; it simply isn’t right. One of the best things about Okotoks is the sustainability plan and they want to throw it out, however, I have to wonder how many people commute to Calgary every day and what that environmental footprint looks like. I’m guessing it’s pretty big. I don’t know the solution either, but what’s the hurry to come up with a plan for 70 years from now when we can’t even manage the current situation.

-I would like to say no to Calgary bullies… and the idiot mayor they have.

-We are saying a big NO to this proposal that Calgary is trying to push on us.

All we basically want to say is that the partnership between the city of Calgary and the MD of Foothills is taking all the controls of the land and its use away from the land owners. Many of the land owners are counting on this land for their retirement and if there is any chance that the city and the MD cooks up a deal that could prevent the land owner from the retirement that he/she deserves and has worked hard for all their lives, then this plan should be scrapped immediately. A person moves out of the city and into rural communities so they don’t have to be bothered with the “politics” of the city and now the city wants to come out here and control the rural communities. When we want to do something with our land, no one should be able to tell us what we can or can’t do. No one has that right, especially the city of Calgary. So we say to the city of Calgary and the Calgary council – Butt out and mind your own business.










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